Monday, August 8, 2011

Finding Humor in the Human Condition...

Well, well, well....  the human condition continues... and always will, I suppose.  Being a psychologist, one would think that I wouldn't get "stuck" like many of my clients do.  However, the human condition doesn't descriminate with whom it takes hold.

And somehow this amuses me.  As many know, I have been working on a book... then another... then... well... yes, another.  Are any of them done?  No.  Why?  Because the human condition seems to be playing tricks on me.  That and the fact that the publishing world has taken many turns in the recent past and it seems that it is harder and harder to get things accepted by national publishers.  I was told recently that the book "The Help", a national bestseller-- was submitted to 60 publishing companies before it made it to print... and now look at the previous 59 who are thumping themselves on the head for not grabbing it. 

I must say though, that I do believe that for everything there is a season... a time in which the fruit ripens and is ready for a grand harvest.  Apparently the time was not right for "The Help" until it was, well... the right time.  And thus progresses the human condition.

I wonder what the author did while waiting.  Was she patient?  Frustrated?  Disillusioned?  Bored?  Probably all of these.  And yet she persisted.

Much like anyone who can call themself a human, this condition that we find ourselves in offers infinite combinations of experiences as we make it through life.  Our job is to simply remain conscious and learn so that we can evolve beyond our last reaction to our unfortunate situation.  Our learning is inevitably fruitful. 

So, to this ever amusing human condition I say "Bring it on!"  Bring on the consciousness... bring on the learning... and most of all-- tickle the funny bone of this journey through life.  It's an ever so fascinating one at that!

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