Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Conscious "Re-Entry"

After returning from a fabulous workshop in Sedona this week, I am reminded once again about how hard it can be to 're-enter' daily life following some time away.  Ironically, the conference was on 'consciousness', and I feel like I fully 'binged' on spirit in those 6 days away.  The challenge is.... I had to re-enter my daily routine soon after my return.

I liken vacation 're-entry' to that scene in the Apollo 13 movie when Tom Hanks and Kevin Bacon are looking at each other wondering if they are going to make it back into the atmosphere of Earth.  They don't know if they should brace for impact, or just count their blessings for the adventure they had.  They made it back to Earth, but landed with quite an impact.

What do you do to re-enter after a fabulous time away?  How conscious are you in your return to routine? 

In my case, I try to stretch out my own re-entry by minimizing time in front of the t.v., on the telephone, or doing anything that could abruptly 'shock' me back into the human reality. 

Next time you travel... plan some conscious re-entry to make your own transition smoother...


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Earth Consciousness

Our consciousness as humans is growing every day.  But I can't help but think that we are forgetting to remain conscious about our wonderful planet.  Last week's earthquake and subsequent tsunamis are such a clear indication that our planet is hurting as much as we are. 

I had a friend tell me she thought the Earth was trying to 'shake us off' like fleas.  This is such a vivid image in that our Earth really is trying to tell us that we aren't being very good stewards.

On April 22, I will be joining two dear friends of mine to host an "Embrace the Earth" meditation and celebration.  I had the idea back when the gulf oil spill occured.  But now it feels even more important as the Earth from it's very core is hurting--- it's heart is breaking.

Let's rally our collective consciousness to heal the planet.  Like any wound, only our conscious awareness of it's needs for care will calm our world.  Embrace the Earth in your own way today and add to the consciousness the world needs.

In shared light,


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Soul Alignment

Lately I've been talking to clients about 'aligning with their souls'.  Ease of living--- happiness, contentment, and just smooth sailing through life-- is entirely dependent on how aligned we are with our soul.  When we are living in our truth in all areas of life, our souls are at ease and life flows smoothly.  However, when we are 'mis-aligned'--- not living our truth, or are off track from an important aspect of our our soul's needs, there is great discomfort.  This can manifest as anxiety or depression, general stress, or even as health problems.

My Soul Health Model helps people re-align with their souls.  For more information, go to http://www.drkatherinetkelly.com/.

What needs to be 're-aligned' in your life?