Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Soul's Vacation

I just returned from a trip to Colorado to visit family and friends.  Because I grew up there, I will always call the Rockies home. And because I have the travel bug, I always feel "fed" by my adventures.  When there, I took my 16 year old niece on a helicoptor ride for her birthday, went boating with my sister and her family, visited a horse rescue center and played with my sister's horses, ate my mom's killer fudge brownies, and got to see my best friend of 26 years.  I can't think of much more to feed my Soul from my days there.

Although the Soul has endless opportunities to grow and evolve through our human condition, even it needs time to regroup, take a breather and recharge.  Our Soul is fed by our human fun-- if it is nourishing rather than depleting.  "Good, clean fun" is hard to come by these days as our everyday lives are filled with everyday stressors, ongoing responsibility, and never-ending challenges.  When asked, most people report that they don't have enough fun in their lives... which means they also aren't feeding their Souls enough.  When our Soul is depleted it feels as if it has a slow leak--- nothing can fill it up and there is always a sense of loss.

By taking time to enjoy some human fun--- through a formal vacation or not--- we feed our Soul.  When was the last time you had a good belly laugh-- soothing isn't it?  Or the last time you thoroughly took in the scenery around you?  Nourishing.  When we don't take the time... we don't fill our Soul.

Find a way to recharge your Soul today.  Find the right combination for your own Soul's Vacation!

In shared light,

Kathy K.

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