Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Soul Health

We all have something to heal...  a broken heart, a broken bone;  a broken bank account or home.  And despite the fact that there are thousands of books, articles, products, and methods to heal these maladies, we all continue to feel as if something is missing in our overall health and well-being.  But how do we know that something is missing when we don't even know what "it" is?

The answer is the Soul.  Our innermost wisdom tries to get our attention that something is amiss-- or out of alignment with our deepest core.  What most don't know is that our Soul is the nucleus of each and every thought, behavior, emotion and action.  It is the "hub" of all of our "being".  When our human life is unbalanced, our Soul becomes unsettled.  It knows when we are out of alignment from our highest good and potential and wants to get us back on track.  The Soul speaks through our human reactions to things--- these are "symptoms of the soul".  These messages may appear in the form of physical or emotional concerns or disatisfaction with other parts of our life.  Only by listening to and honoring our Soul's needs do we experience peace within, and only then do we experience true health.

My "Soul Health Model", listed on my webpage offers more information about the 10 key aspects of human life that must be balanced in order to reach our optimal health.  Take a moment to check it out-- and balance your own life to feed your Soul!

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