Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hello once again...

It's been a while since I've "blogged"-- mostly because I have been initiating myself into the social media world in other ways, which is quite the challenge. My work is all about consciousness and our soul's evolution. And in many ways, I've been resistant to social media being a part of that. I believe very strongly in one on one connection, so the distance that social media creates felt like an artificial form of connecting with other souls. However.... I'm not warming up to the idea that if I really want to spread the word about consciousness, the magical electronic web of the world can help to spread the word further and wider than I would within the walls of my office. So, here's to social media, and here's to my own evolution within the blogging world.... join me.....

Tune into my webpage www.drkatherinetkelly.com for

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