Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Checking Out"... Conscious Unconsciousness

Today I woke up feeling mentally fatigued and basically not wanting to be "responsible".   I gave myself permission to become consciously unconscious for the rest of the day (until just now).  What that meant for me was to go on with my day, but with an agreement with myself to not think harder than I had to, not "process" anything that didn't need to be solved today, and to just let my mind take a rest for the day.

Let's face it, consciousness takes energy.  Those who choose what I call "radical consciousness" spend the majority of their waking hours maintaining a stance of constant awareness.  Every once in a while we need to 'check out' and allow ourselves to just mentally 'chill'.   However, we need to be discerning about what we do to become consciously unconcious, and for how long.  A commitment to consciousness means that if we check out, we also commit to come back into consciousness at some point.  This consciousness thing can be tricky...  but is vital to our health and wellbeing, as well as to our evolution.  Take some time to become consciously unconcious when you need to. 

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